Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday 18.11: Heavy cleans, metcon

Monday. Clean, 1 rep every 30 seconds @ 90kg, for 10 minutes. Metcon, 6 rounds of: 4 power clean (70kg), 25 du, 8 t2b. Time 9.54

Clean is something I simply love. Haven't been going heavy lately so this day was one I wanted to hit it hard. Lots of heavy cleans with short intervals. It was a good mixture of strength and metabolic. The day was all cleans. My metcon included power cleans, double unders and some core work. Felt awesome after training!

Strength. Total of 20 reps.
  • Clean, 1 rep every 30 seconds @ 90kg, for 10 minutes

This weight is 90% of my one rep max load. Completing 20 reps at this weight was a win over physical barriers. It's so close to my max weight it was a positive signal of being able to probably go beyond 100kg, some day. This was mentally a big thing. I felt like a king after having done this workout. I took one extra rep right after the workout, take a look at the video below.

I believe my form was pretty good. The starting position was solid, back straight, chest upright, proper shrug on the shoulders and quick drop under the barbell, elbows straight ahead, good depth on the squat, knees out. The side I should be working on is the timing on the second pull. Trying to keep my hands straight, pulling the barbell as high as possible, aiming to bounce the bar from the pocket. The most important thing in this workout was that even though it was a heavy load, all my reps looked the same. There weren't any mistakes or technical issues compromising my form or having troubles catching the bar. It's technically important to have all reps look similar. And I did exactly that!

Metcon. Time 9.54
  • 6 rounds of:
  • 4 power clean, 70kg
  • 25 double unders
  • 8 toes-to-bar

Wanted to put upper back to work even more. There was a good number of power cleans as well in the metcon, that was 70kg on the bar. The two other movements were carefully chosen. I want to do double unders to keep improving my technique to be more efficient. Also t2b's are something I'm always looking to get better at.

At first I was thinking about not even putting the clock running. Then, I thought it's better put that on to know at least approximately how long it would take to finish it. I had something like 2 minutes rest between workouts. Just adjusted the weights and started working on this one. There was a 10m distance between the barbell and pull-up bar, that took me some time every round walking around the gym.

I got through this workout unbroken on every movement. Especially those double unders made me happy. Not only that they went unbroken but more like the form I was able to keep on the jumps. My focus was having legs as straight as possible all the time.

Power cleans went perfectly, same with the toes-to-bar. There could have been some more t2b's, it was too easy. My plan when writing this wod was to define the rep amounts so that I would be going unbroken all the time. There could have still been more reps per round. I would have went ub anyway. It felt like I manhandled the barbell pretty well today.

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