Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday 28.12: Deadlifts

Saturday. Strength, deadlifts (max 180kg).

Saturday was going to be posterior chain day. Was pondering between squats and deadlifts. It's been quite a long time since last time I went heavy on the deadlifts so it was 'bout time. I only had time to do the strength part as we are going to meet my paps and bros in the afternoon.

  • Deadlifts 5x100, 5x130, 5x140, 5x160, 5x170, 3x180, 10x150, 10x130kg

It was cool to go after deadlifts after a long break. I felt a bit stiff in the warm-up and the empty bar felt heavy =) I did foam rolling, opened my hips and kept adding stuff on the bar to feel good. It worked. I didn't have a structured plan so I started with 5's. What I knew beforehand was that I wouldn't go to max loads.

Went up to 170kg as 5's. Then I decided I'll hit a triple @ 180kg. From then on it was time to come back on the ladder and simultaneously increase the amount of reps. Did 10 reps @ 150kg and finally 10 @ 130kg.

That 150kg load was a tough one to handle for 10 reps. I'm so glad I got it up anyway. Forgot to put the camera on so you guys missed it. Other lifts should be there on the video.

Recap of deadlifts

I took the longer sets just to get some heartbeat up and to see what level my endurance is at on the higher rep sets. I'll go for that 20-rep benchmark someday on the deadlifts and squats as well and I've been wondering what weight to hit first. Maybe something around 120-130kg for deads and 100kg for back squats. We'll see.

In the end I took some one-arm extensions on the rings. That's a newcomer. I think I'll start playing more with the rings from January on. This seemed like a good movement for core work. I did it from the push-up position but next level is going to be hanging from the rings like Dusty Hyland shows on the video.

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