Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday 24.1: Mu's, 2 metcons + sprints

Friday. PM: Skills, emom, 1 ring mu, for 5 min. Metcon, 4rds of: 500m row, 15 pull-ups, 12 push-ups, 9 t2b. Time 15.40. Rest 5min. Metcon, emom, 8 burpees, 8 box, for 5min. Evening: 10x100m sprints.

Skills and conditioning for this Friday session. Already a classic in my mind for starters: ring muscle-ups. I've fell in love with them and the feeling is getting stronger all the time. Got 2 metcons today, all movements with bodyweight. Late evening was reserved for sprints. Don't wanna hold on to the barbell every day. That's part of why I'm able to train almost on a daily basis. I feel like my workouts are versatile in nature and there's a good combination of heavy bars, lighter weights, bodyweight, running and cardio, skills and gymnastics. That has an effect on my recovery.

  • Every minute on the minute:
  • 1 ring muscle-up, for 5min

This was the first time I did muscle-ups this style. I had a plan in the beginning to do 1 rep per minute for a total of 5 minutes. This movement is taxing, it really takes its toll on my body. Every single rep is challenging, it's not automatic thing that I would get up there. So having to complete 1 rep per minute was a great success for me to being able to continue it for 5 minutes. I haven't tried to do more than 5 reps in one session. Maybe it would be worth trying.

Metcon. Time 15.40
  • 4 rounds of:
  • 500m row
  • 15 pull-ups
  • 12 push-ups
  • 9 toes-to-bar
These wods that have rowing as an element… Not nice. They eat me inside =) In "normal" metcons I tend to have quite steady round times and my engine keeps my going. When rowing is involved, it's more difficult for me to keep up the pace. I rowed @ 1.45-1.49 pace in all rounds, that's not where the difference is but it's the transition times between movements.

I did all movements unbroken in this workout. My goal for the row was to have almost the same pace in all rounds. Could have taken it a bit easier on the row to save energy but I definitely wanted to row at same pace all the time. Pull-ups after rowing seems a but more challenging but I got them unbroken. The third rounds seemed to be the toughest. Grip wasn't there and it was difficult to hang on there. Push-ups and t2b's were okay, no problems with them.

Jon Pera with a 400lbs ohs huh!

This workout took my breath away. It was somehow awful but still cool. Most difficult thing was to jump on the pull-up bar after rowing. I walked the pain away after the workout for couple of minutes before busting out the next workout, something I stole from That's NorCal Crossfit's creation, a site dedicated to athletes aiming for the Crossfit Games. Definitely worth taking a look at.

  • Every minute on the minute:
  • 8 burpees
  • 8 box jumps
  • For 5 minutes

I was still blown away from the previous workout but decided to hit this one anyway. I thought it wouldn't be so tough but god damned it felt bad. Already after the first round I was thinking what the heck. It took me exactly 38 seconds each round. This was mental stuff. It felt bad. But, it was something you can keep on doing for that 38 seconds. Afterwards I was thinking could this workout be suitable if conducted in this same style but "till failure". Keep on going until you can not complete those 16 reps in that time frame. What do you think?

My abs were killing me, felt like my guts were burning inside. I forced myself to keep my body moving with same pattern on every rep and I tried to push the consuming feeling aside. Might try this one for longer time some time. Maybe not another workout before that 'cause it felt like the rowing wod gassed me pretty well.

Great training session!

Chad Mackay

  • 10 x 100m shuttle run sprints (2x50m)

This was on the fly type of workout. It was something around 9pm when it hit me I wanna go running. Pauliina is out on a girls' night and those days are usually reserved for double training sessions so why make this one an exception. Went outdoors, took my warm-up and was ready to go. I measured a distance of 50 meters in the woods and did shuttle runs, back and forth that 50m distance, for a total of 100m. Short recovery and repeat a total of 10 times. That was cool! I really enjoyed the moment.

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