Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday 19.3: Barbara

Wednesday. Benchmark workout Barbara, 5 rounds of: 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 50 air squats, 3min rest between rounds. Time 32.51 (including rest).

I thought it would be a good time to go purely at bodyweight for a while. This benchmark workout has been on my mind for about a week so I decided to hit it. The memory I have from previous time I did this one is that it took me 3 days to recover. That was a good starting point =)

Barbara. Time 32.51. Compare to 28.1.2013
  • 5 rounds of:
  • 20 pull-ups
  • 30 push-ups
  • 40 sit-ups
  • 50 air squats
  • 3min rest between rounds

It felt horrible! After 3 rounds of this workout it felt very challenging. My strategy was totally different today compared to the first Barbara I did. Maybe today's version was not the best one I suppose. At least as I compare the total time. Last time I did first rounds unbroken on the pull-ups and then as many reps as possible later in the workout. This time I intentionally broke it already on the first round. I did something like 13+7. I thought breaking the sets in the beginning would save my upper body and then it would be easier to work on the push-ups. That's because they are my goat, a weakness I haven't put enough focus on to get them rolling well.

Breaking the sets didn't help at all. Maybe I should have just gone through the sets unbroken for couple of rounds. I know I could have done it. My body was a little smashed and tired in the beginning but I still believe I could've done it. The push-ups were tough already in the beginning. In the later rounds it was a little pathetic how challenging they turned out for me. I tend to do push-ups with very narrow grip.

Sit-ups were the easiest part of the workout. No doubt. I completed them unbroken each round, the last 2 rounds were a bit tough but it was manageable all the time. It felt like a vacation after having done pull-ups and push-ups.

It turned out my legs were tired because I had to break the squats each round. I remember having nailed the squats unbroken last time, at least in the beginning. Now they felt like lead all the way. My legs barely carried me after the workout. In fact, they were so weak I thought I might fall any minute, and my calves and thighs were cramping.

Crossfit Games Update, Malleolo dominated 14.3

Sit-ups were the easiest, then pull-ups. Squats smashed my legs but the most difficult part was push-ups. I think I'll just add the movement to my metcon routines. Got to be better at them. I checked what I wrote last time on Barbara. It seems the sit-ups brought some issues then, but not today. Push-ups were toughest then as well. And squats were easier back then. On the pull-ups I had a different strategy.

This lady is a bad ass. There was a total of 700 reps, 100 pull-ups, 150 push-ups, 200 sit-ups and 250 squats. Hopefully I'll be able to recover faster than last time. That would be recommendable! My pal Toni was thinking about going after Barbara soon too. I'd like to hear how he nails this.

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