Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday 29.7: Row, Pull-ups, T2b and Ring dips

Tuesday. Metcon, in a 90 second time window, perform 20 calories row, then amrap of pull-ups or t2b. Ring skills, emom ring dips, 5x7 reps.

It's pretty awesome the number of crossfitters have increased at our gym. I regularly do the workouts  at our work place's gym. It's quite ideal for my training purposes. There's practically nothing I'm missing except the possibility to drop weights without anyone giving me bad eye. Plus a better pull-up bar for training bar muscle-ups with more space. But there's a good community of crossfitters arising and the atmosphere and encouraging of other athletes is good. Recently there have been more guys and you can really see the trend in the society of people appreciating functional training and crossfit is a very good answer to those needs. Today's wod included rowing, pull-ups and t2b, Pat Sherwood style.

Metcon. Result, pull-ups 15, 15, 13, 13 reps. Result, T2B 15, 15, 12, 12 reps.
  • In a 90 second time window, perform:
  • 20 calories row, then amrap of pull-ups
  • 90 second rest
  • Repeat for a total of 4 sets. Then continue with the following:

  • In a 90 second time window, perform:
  • 20 calories row, then amrap of toes-to-bar
  • 90 second rest
  • Repeat for a total of 4 sets

This was definitely interval type of training. Pat Sherwood has thrown a lot of creative workouts in Instagram this spring and summer, and part of them have been this type of interval stuff. Another example would be to complete 10 sets of: 2min work of 2 round Cindy, followed by an amrap of row calories, with 2min rest in between sets. Sounds brutal as I think about it in real life.

Those 20 calories were something like 270 meters if I looked right. It was a total of 2100-2200m row during those 8 sets of 20 calories. I put the clock running in the beginning, did 4 rounds of rowing and pull-ups, then immediately after 4 rounds of rowing and toes-to-bar.

It probably took me something like 50 seconds to complete the rowing, and it was usually about 1 minute in to the workout as I grabbed the pull-up bar, in all 8 sets. That means to say my rowing was consistent and I had equal time in all sets to complete pull-ups and t2b's. I got 15 pull-ups in the beginning, then I had to start breaking the sets earlier and time came full before I was able to nail 15 reps. Ended up 2 short in the last 2 rounds. Same thing with the t2b's. Had to break the sets, release the tension in hip flexors and get back on the rig. This was definitely a good style of working out.

Ring skills.
  • Every minute on the minute
  • 7 ring dips, for 5 minutes

In the end I wanted to do some work with the rings. Ring dips are always a good choice for me so I did them emom style to get some reps in. This could be done in the same style as I've done C2B pull-ups in the past weeks. Increase the amount of reps but still completing it in emom method. The training day was a good entity. Intercal training for bodyweight movements, ring skills in the end and actually for warm-up we did couple of tens burpees together with Pauliina.

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