Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday 7.9: Strength endurance workout, Sled pull

Sunday. Strength endurance workout. 5 rds of: 25m max effort sled pull sprints plus 75m sprint without the sled. Full recovery between rounds.

Second day in a row training outside the gym. It's something I enjoy tremendously and I'm ready to hit it anytime. We had a lot of work to do at the in-laws' back yard terrace as we were preparing it to the upcoming autumn and winter. Took us couple of hours to get the job done, lots of physical work being done. It seemed perfect to finish the work by doing a strength endurance workout from, Jason Khalipa's and Miranda Oldroyd home base stuff. workout.
  • 5 rds of: 25m max effort sled pull sprints plus 75m sprint without the sled. Full recovery between rounds.
  • Workout Details: The max effort sled pull should be heavy enough so that you cover your 25m distance in about 6-7sec. Once you pulled 25m, leave sled and sprint 75m at a 95-98% max effort.  Walk back to sled, turn it around, and push it easy back to the original start. Full recovery between rounds. The goal of this workout is to recruit your fast twitch (type 2a) fibers and extend their endurance.
I follow on a regular basis, together with, both freaking awesome crossfit sites. Nccflab is a training site created by NorCal Crossfit monsters, including some sick names of the scene like Khalipa, Oldroyd, Fisher, Barber and their endurance cosh Chris Hinshaw. This is one of Hinshaw's creations. I just saw Camille Leblanc-Bazinet smashing this workout couple of days ago.

I've never this type of workout, it was a great variation. Sprint with the sled for one quarter, then drop the straps that were tight around your arms and just go all out for the rest of the distance. That was the name of the game. There's a slight incline on this open field so it made things a little more challenging. I liked it!

The sled itself is about 20kg, and I had stuff inside worth of 30kg - kettlebells and dumbbells - so it totaled 50kg. This is the only place where I can get my hands on a sled and I'm more than happy to do it. This was a great idea from Kari somewhere in the spring time. We built it together in a day, great tool for crossfit purposes.

My butt was on fire after each sprint. It was awkward feeling to drop the straps as the load just dropped from my shoulders just like that. It was kind of a heavy sprint, then all of a sudden it's just you with your own body and nothing else, and you're supposed to go as heavy as possible. Kind of a liberating feeling. That incline though made it less liberating though =)

As you see from the pictures, the weather was beautiful so I don't know any better way to spedn it but outdoors and of course some training is included if you ask me. The fall is coming anyway and there's nothing we can do about it. So we'll try to take advantage of those chances whenever it feels appropriate. Well, there's no prob training outdoors in the winter time either. I'll take that too!

It's gonna be another tough training week ahead of us. Gotta start writing down some good workouts =)

Sled sprints


  1. Thank you for helping to prepare the terrace for autumn and winter. It was great to spend the weekend with Pauliina and you!
