Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday 10.2: Snatch, Thrusters, T2b

Tuesday. Snatch work, 3-position squat snatch (max 55kg). Metcon, 5rds of: 12 thrusters (40kg), 12 t2b. Time, 7.13.

We were heading to the theater in the evening with Pauliina and a friend couple so I had to rush a little to get a good session in the books. By the way, it was funny as hell at the theater! Those usually are =) Anyway, snatch work was the main element and had there been more time, squats would have been a part of this session too. Instead, a metcon of thrusters and t2b's were part of it. Awesome metcon!

  • 3-position snatch (high hang, mid thigh, above knee
  • Weights: 40, 45, 50, 50, 50, 52.5, 55kg
Damn I was good at this today! A bit cocky but these felt great. I'm very proud of how I was able to perform. Some time ago this position of being in a deep squat on snatch / ohs was a distant dream of mine so hitting it regularly on snatch or snatch balance definitely improves my confidence on this position.

This time I wanted to pull from somewhere than just high hang. That's been my thing if I have done snatches lately. It turned out to be 3-position snatches, meaning I pulled from different starting positions. First one was high hang, the second a little lower and the third one from just above the knee. All reps ending in full squat snatch. I got to 55kg on this one and then it was time to move on. The biggest thing was that I received these in the deepest position possible for me. And I stayed there to stabilize after each rep to gain confidence in the position.

Metcon. Time, 7.13
  • 5 rounds of:
  • 12 thrusters, 40kg
  • 12 toes-to-bar
It looks so much easier on paper. First round was deceptive. It was easy, second one put breathing high and from third round on it was a mental battle. I wanted to get the bar work done unbroken and I did exactly that. Game plan was not to drop the bar at any time and then work the t2b's by feeling. It's not that bad to come down from the pull-up bar because you jump back there right away if you want to. But dropping the barbell is always a waste of time.

I think those t2b's were unbroken for 3 rounds, then the 4th round was 7-5 or 8-4, and the last set something like 4's and 2's. Not quite sure how it went, the world started to go around in my head at that time. This was a great workout and my quads were killing me in the end. Thrusters were painful in the last 2 rounds, the last reps on those sets were pure grinding.

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