Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday 17.2: Snatch balance, 7-rounder

Tuesday. Snatch balance triples (up to 65kg). Metcon, 7rds of: 4 jerk (60kg), 8 burpee, 12 t2b. Time, 11.31.

Getting more and more confident for snatch. This element called snatch balance is a great way to build up self esteem for snatch. Got those done today and afterwards the metcon consisted of jerks (first time like ever!), burpees, and t2b's. Good, intense metcon.

Random thoughts on how to program my training per week. It's not gonna happen like this. It's gonna take changes on a steady basis, that's for sure. This was just a thought.

Snatch work.
  • Snatch balance 
  • Weights 50, 55, 60, 65, 65, 65, 65kg
It's a pity I didn't get any of these sets on video. I would have liked to see whether my feeling and the way it looks are the same or not =) It felt pretty okay, and confident all the way. Couple of reps were a bit wobbly as the bar went too much in front. Some I was able to save but there were also 2 misses. I finished those sets right away.

Snatch (balance) is a movement where lots of balls are required. In my opinion it tells a lot of mental strength if you dare to drop under the barbell in squat cleans and squat snatch under heavy loads. Squat cleans are okay with me but there's still lots work to be done in the snatch department. I went to the bottom on these snatch balances. Especially on the last rep where I stayed in pause overhead squat position for couple of seconds. It felt good and much much better than some time ago!

Metcon. Time, 11.31
  • 7 rounds of:
  • 4 push jerk, 60kg
  • 8 burpee
  • 12 toes-to-bar
I had an ambitious dream of doing push jerks in this metcon. And it succeeded. No problems whatsoever. This was big news for me, and my wrist. I took 'em only 4 reps per round just in case, then spiced tit up with burpees and t2b's. This was supposed to be a 10min amrap but as the clock was 9.50 and there were 6 rounds completed, I felt there's a need to do some more work. So it changed to 7 rounds for time on the fly.

It turned out the jerks were the easiest part of the metcon, basically didn't wear me down that much. Burpees are always a great tool to build up the machine. Hardest part of this was definitely toes-to-bar element. Got the first part unbroken, second round was 8-4, and from then on it was 3 attempts to finish those 12 reps. It got surprisingly challenging from 3rd round on. Maybe the combination of these movements made it tougher. It felt like my hip flexors and groins were on fire, as well as core in general. I remember doing burpees and t2b's once as a couplet and those t2b's were a nightmare that time. There might be a relation to that. Anyway, good metcon, no doubt!

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