Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday 26.2: Rings, squats and pair wod of rowing / hspu

Wednesday. Skills, ring muscle-ups. Strength, back squats 4x3 across (135kg). Pair wod, 3 rounds of: athlete 1 rows for 500m, in the mean while other athlete completes 10hspu and rest of time air squats.

C'mon! This time I dominated the workouts. First of all, ring skills. I've had serious problems with the rings lately. For today I had done my home work and was ready to conquer them. Secondly, heavy back squats were a pleasure. Definitely a success story right there. Thirdly, I got a chance to do a pair workout with Toros, the same guy as yesterday. He's good guys, definitely going to hit more pair workouts in the future with him.

  • Ring muscle-ups
  • Complete 5 reps

I had written in my phone in advance that "ring muscle-ups (complete 5 reps)". Plus I watched Rich Froning threaten gravity on the rings in the Crossfit Games 2013. I just posted the Cinco 1 & 2 workouts video in the blog. I watched him complete the reps unbroken and with such a quick transition that it was easy to make some mental training in my head yesterday and today before gym.

Chalked my hands and grabbed the rings. I only had in mind the speed of Froning and tried to replicate that. The feeling was super as I landed nicely on the rings. Tried another one and got it too. At that point I reminded myself all the time about the quickness of the transition, it's the key to success. Was able to got to those 5 reps in total. That's the furthest I've ever gone with ring mu's.

Strength. Heavy squats
  • 3-3-3-3 back squats, all sets @ 135kg

Yes! Got all 4 triple sets done with 135kg. That's unbelievable for me. I've progressively increased the weights as my "coach" at home has pushed me. First it was doubles at 130kg, then triples and finally 4's. As I got them up, I increased the load to 135kg and I've taken doubles with that weight earlier so today it was time for triples.

Big thing is also that I've got used to bigger weights which is a huge mental barrier that has now overcome. I'm very happy with this. I decided beforehand that I'm gonna take these sets up, 4 sets @ 135kg. The last rep was quite tough on at least 2 of the last sets. It was a lot of growling as I was getting myself up from the hole.

Metcon. Pair wod
  • 3 rounds of:
  • Athlete 1 rows for 500m
  • Athlete 2 completes 10 handstand push-ups and rest of time max reps air squats
  • Result 60 + 40 + 40 air squats

Yep, Toros and I hit another pair workout in a row. This was a surprise call. I had rowing and hspu's in mind during the day so it was natural to do it as a pair wod too. The point was that the other one was rowing all the time. While the other one rowed, the other one completed 10 hspu's. Toros did 10 pull-ups, either on pull-up bar or rings. After 10 reps had been done, the rest of the time was max reps of air squats.

First of all, I got the hspu's unbroken on each of the three rounds. That was cool. On the first round I got to 60 squats. It really ate my legs alive, they were done after the first round. On the second and third round I got 40 reps both round. The most horrible thing was the rowing. It felt like I had no strength left anymore in my lower body. My pace was about 1.40 on the first round and 1.47 on the last one.

It was a perfect training session! Ring muscle-ups + heavy back squats + pair workout- Couldn't ask for more.

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